Join our digital picket line and oppose proposals to change 42 CFR part 2 today!

Learn about SAMHSA's proposed changes to health record privacy protections and comment today!
This blog discusses your patient privacy regulations (42 CFR part 2), offers comment templates, and instructions on how to comment on the most recent Substance Abuse and Mental Health Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Notices of Proposed Rule Making (NPRMs). There are 2 proposed rules to comment on 1) Law Enforcement access to records and 2) Broader healthcare system access to records. Both of these proposals seek to WEAKEN the privacy protections of substance use disorder (SUD) patient records that have protected society for 40 years.
Stop the government from infringing on your rights today! Tell SAMHSA enough!
Deadlines for submitting comments on the proposal for Law Enforcement changes is Sept 25 and Healthcare changes is Oct 25, 2019!